100 pages of kindergarten math activities + fun challenges = a head start for your child.
This educational Kindergarten Math Workbook is easy to follow and full of varied and engaging exercises including: Addition and subtraction using multiple methods ‘Color and cut-out flash cards’ to make unique math challenges with +,-,= and 0-20 numbers Writing and identifying numbers in digits, words and objects Skip counting Number bonds and patterns Ordinal numbers Shapes More and less Odd and even Bigger and smaller Longer and shorter Whole and half Telling the time to the hour and half hour Challenge pages to test out new math skills and a diploma to color, cut-out and keep
We know that whether at home or school, learning works best when content is engaging, easy to follow and fun. All the activities in this book have been created by designers who have specialized in early childhood development products throughout their careers as well as being parents of young learners! We hope you and your little one enjoy the book.
Book details – Matte colour cover, B&W interior, great size - 8.5 x 11 inch (US Letter/A4 equivalent)
This book is part of our early learning library which includes our Learn to Write Practice Book and Learn to Write Workbook. Please check out our author page to find links to purchase.