OUP Oxford

Piano Time Sightreading Book 1


  • Piano Time Sight-Reading Book 1

Sinossi Designed to build confidence and ability, the Piano Time Sightreading books are also enormous fun, interspersing lots of short, structured exercises with puzzles and games. The material is simple, imaginative, and clearly laid out. Book 1 presents lots of short tunes in five-finger position, mostly hands separately. Recensione Sight reading for pianists can be the subject of many an uninspired publication but this series of three volumes is quite an exception. It describes sight reading as an exploration of the unknown and guides the young player through the pitfalls and things to look for in a consistent and clear format with simple instructions and effective graphics. A little of this with every lesson and your sight reading will be as good as your playing. ― Sheet Music, Winter 96 L’autore Pauline Hall graduated from the Royal Academy of Music and then taught in schools and privately. Whilst living and teaching in Harrogate she felt the need for a piano tutor which made learning fun, and which progressed at the pace of her slowest learner. She started by writing little tunes in pupils’ notebooks, and these formed the basis of Tunes for Ten Fingers; the Piano Time series developed from this.

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