Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond (English Edition)
Do you believe getting older means losing health and vitality?
Here is your path to feeling youthful and vibrant. Imagine starting each day with a spring in your step. Envision liking what you see in the full-length mirror before you get dressed. Now visualize that you can engage in any activity with strength, grace, and confidence.
In Forever Fit and Flexible Cheryl Ilov provides a program that will help you create this and more. Her movement lessons provide the building blocks to better posture, core strength, flexibility, balance, and functional strength. As you develop a solid physical foundation, you will also:
* eliminate chronic pain
* improve injury-related mobility issues
* experience increased energy
* develop mindful self-awareness and a positive mindset
* … and much more!
Forever Fit and Flexible offers you the possibility of living with a new sense of energy and vitality as you move into your fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond. Once you get moving, you’ll want to keep moving.
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