Sony Pictures

Eagle Huntress [Edizione: Stati Uniti]


The Eagle Huntress - Blu-ray - Aishol-pan, a 13-year-old girl, trains to become the first female in 12 generations of her Kazakh family to become an eagle hunter and rises to the pinnacle of a tradition that has been handed down from father to son for centuries. While there are many old Kazakh eagle hunters who vehemently reject the idea of any female taking part in their ancient tradition, Aisholpan’s father, Nurgaiv, believes that a girl can do anything a boy can, as long as she’s determined. THE EAGLE HUNTRESS is executive produced and narrated by STAR WARS’s Daisy Ridley. Like Ridley’s character “Rey,” Aisholpan never doubts her ability to be as strong or brave as any boy. Cast: Daisy Ridley, Aisholpan Nurgaiv, Rys Nurgaiv Director: Otto Bell Language: Kazakh

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