Saffron Hill

Just Friends [Edizione: Regno Unito]


  • Polish Release, cover may contain Polish text/markings. The disk DOES NOT have English audio and subtitles.

Joris is shy, introverted and cautious, Yad is bold and impulsive, but at a chance meeting, opposites attract, and sparks fly. Having spotted Yad windsurfing at the beach, Joris is taken aback when he discovers Yad is his grandmother’s new helper. Stealing kisses between surfboards, wrestling in the reeds and filming their adventures, the couple find themselves growing closer and opening up to each other about the ghosts of their pasts and dreams for the future. Yet as the boys fall ever deeper in love,the weight of their families’ expectations of them grow more profound, until one of them finally asks, would it be better if they were ‘Just Friends’?

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