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10 Min Solution Butt Lift [Edizione: Regno Unito] [Edizione: Regno Unito]


  • Weight Loss Body Workouts

Everyone can find at least ten minutes in their day, and we ve developed 5 tush-transforming workouts that are just 10 minutes each. These short sessions work with even the busiest of schedules to firm and shape your backside in all the right ways. Choose a single segment each day, mix and match your favourites to fit your schedule or do all 6 segments in a row for a total booty-boosting makeover!

Butt Lift: Say goodbye to any jiggle in your wiggle as you target the glutes, hamstrings and lower back with exercises specifically designed to lift and tighten the tush.

Cardio Booty Camp: Improve your rear view as you jump, squat and kick your workout into high gear with this booty camp designed to blast fat and solidify your assets.

Upright Booty: Defy gravity with this standing workout that s all about lift, lift, lifting those buns.

Butt & Thighs: Sculpt a perky backside and lean, toned legs by using graceful moves inspired by ballet, yoga and Pilates.

HIIT Butt Lift: Get a total tush transformation using High Intensity Interval Training. You ll torch tons of calories while toning your glutes to the maximus!

Amazing Abs: Why should the buns have all the fun? Make over your middle with this belly blasting bonus specially created to sculpt flat, sexy abs.

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